February 6, 2007

From Comfort to Faith

Breaking out of your comfort zone is necessary for your Spiritual life. To put it another way, if you follow the Lord’s leading you will eventually end up out of your comfort zone. It’s just the way He works. God wants you to experience all the things that will help you become a better servant and a better worker for the Kingdom. We are not called to sit back and let the world rot away from under our feet. We are called to go and to preach and to love.

Your comfort zone might be your job, or your friends, or where you live. It could mean exile for you and your family or it could mean that your friends will desert you. What you have to come to terms with is that Jesus Christ didn’t call us to be sedentary, and he certainly didn’t call us to be comfortable. To find an example just look at Jesus and the disciples. What was their focus? Was it to make money in the next town? Was it to find a great place to set up shop? No, in fact Jesus said that even the fox’s have a hole to go to at night, but He had nothing.

A Christian’s concern about being comfortable is detrimental to his faith. Listen to Him and let Him guide you. Have faith that the God of the universe knows what He is doing when He tells you to “Go!”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No doubt, God leads us through peaks and valleys. You can't appreciate the height of the peaks unless you've seen it from the valley. I think we should approach God's path for our life with an attitude of submission. If we truly trust in Him, then our faith should demonstrate that God truly is Lord of our lives.