May 19, 2008

Our Fight

Gideon was not the man with the strongest character. He was not the biggest, nor was he the best or the brightest. In fact, where did the angel of the Lord find Gideon when it came time for him serve? On the threshing floor, beating wheat as fast as he could because he knew it would be taken from him by the Midianites. He was not planning a great battle against Israel’s oppressors; he was taking care of his own business.

Yet God called him as one man to stand against an insurmountable enemy. God called him to a job that He had designed for him. Gideon had no personal thoughts of action according to the scriptures. But even though Gideon might not have believed God at first, he did eventually acknowledge God’s will and agreed to do it.

As Christians, our fight is against the spiritual enemies that exist in this fallen world. Our enemies are as real as you and I, and no matter what your state of mind, they are relentlessly attacking you and everyone that you love. So the question is: what has God called you to do? What has the Spirit laid upon your heart to take up? What did He say to do today that you did not do?

Like Gideon, you may not be the most spiritually minded Christian. You may not have a comfortable grasp on prophecy. You may not volunteer at homeless shelters or spend time with the elderly. But God has called you to be a part of this fight. You have a function in this Body.

And just like Gideon you must continue to press on toward that which God called you. Even though it looks like it could not possibly happen the way you first envisioned it. Even though you feel weak or indifferent, you must charge on, past the exhaustion and the distraction, with a singular focus. This is how Gideon and his men defeated the 135,000

For further study:
Judges 6-8

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