November 18, 2007

Armchair Quarterback

I recently read a popular Christian book about spirituality from a non-Christian perspective. I didn’t care for it too much, and I decided to list the reasons why so that I could potentially tell others why the book was bad. But as I wrote I found that many of the reasons that I listed were actually a direct reflection upon me and my own walk with the Lord. I saw what the author was trying to do, which was provide another perspective for those curious about Christianity. He did it in his own way, and though I don’t agree with its presentation, my thoughts went to Romans 14:4,
“Who are you to judge the servant of another? To his own master he
stands or falls; and stand he will, for the Lord is able to make him stand.”

It is enough that I proclaim the gospel as given in the Holy Scriptures, with no addendum, and with no excuses. It is the perfect Word of God. And it is the same Word that was with us from the beginning, and it is the same Word that today is reaching to the farthest places of the earth, piercing hearts, and bringing repentant men and women to Jesus.

But then the Lord turned the mirror back toward me.

If I disagreed with this book so much, where was my book? If I believed that God had given me insight then why haven’t I shared it on such a high level as this book? In reality, I was nothing but an armchair quarterback to this author’s pro bowl performance (so to speak).

The challenge for me and for all of us who see a need within the Body is go forth boldly and proclaim the Word of the Lord, both by our words and our deeds. That’s it. That is what it all boils down to. There will always be things we disagree with, and there will always be chances for us to learn. Let’s all pray that the Lord would use us to shape our world and bring the lost to Him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more. Great reflection and insight.