June 12, 2007

Ready for Grace

The writer of the book of Hebrews describes Moses as, "faithful in all [God's] house as a servant." He goes on to write that Jesus is much greater than Moses, like a builder is greater than the house. But Moses was a key tool that the Lord used in liberating His people from an evil empire. And the Bible says that he enjoys a special place in heaven because of his faithfulness.
I find this fact to be extremely encouraging to me. I am a sinner at best, and at worst I am a downright loser. Sometimes I know that I am doing the wrong thing, I can feel the Holy Spirit chastening me to stop, but I don't. Of course, the devil uses these circumstances to create doubt and fear in my life. Thoughts such as, "God could never use you," or, "You're no good as a Christian," pop up in swarms after I sin and blow it. You may have experienced something similar in your life.
The good news is, God will never give up on you. In fact, it's even better than that; God knew you completely before He called you to serve Him. He knew everything about your past and your future before you ever became a Christian. Imagine if God had just given up on Moses when he whined about not being able to speak in public! Our God's grace is all-encompassing.
Moses was a man full of weaknesses. He had been in the desert a full 40 years before the Lord came to him with his mission. But the last part of Moses' life was the key that opened the door for generations of God's people.
It shows us that God can and will use us when the time is right. We can never have too little confidence, or too few skills, or too little bible knowledge for the Lord to take a pass on using us. The only thing He asks of us is that we are ready when the time comes. Make sure you are ready for the Lords call, whatever it may be, and whatever the cost. Like the second string player who has a shot at starting, we need to be poised for launch when the time comes. Take advantage of God's grace and make yourself ready for His call today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I appreciate the discussion about grace. When I read the new testement I see that most of the letters are started with a statement of Grace and Love. Grace is the only thing that enables me to experience true significance and value. This unmerited favor, grace, tells me that self-improvement (apart from Jesus) leads to insecurity and frustration. Grace, however,leads to the truth of my significance in Gods heart and His power to make me all that I have TRULY desired to be. God, in his grace has given me rest for my soul in it's search for significance. The world can not understand, by themselves, how understanding myself to have nothing good in nature as the way that I find how truly valuable I am. His Grace is truly sufficuent for me.